Thursday 1 February 2024

Volume 1


Prester John was a mystery.  A king from the east.   The Pope needed help.  A friend with an army.  Listen to this short story.  An answer to a mystery.  This short story  is in English.  Written and read by Nigel A.  JAMES

Michael and Judith Basch - Short story in English - Michael and Judith went to Mongolia. They got a very big surprise.  The pendulum of time had swung back. 

Little Emily Clark - Short story in English - Little Emily's twin brother said the right thing at the right time.  He saved his sister's life! 

Alexandra Lanz - Life is the sweetest of all.  A true story of lost years, suffering, and miracles. A very moving listen.

Willi Noelli -   Short Story English - A camera man on a mission to a war torn country. Going after a story.  A very famous man. Danger all the way.

Paris Maderna - Short Story English - An amazing true story. Bikes are bikes. A very big crash and a wall.  A beer.  Moving on and never giving up

Doors -  A true Hungarian story about many new doors!  Jenö and Marika.  A house with 4 fronts and no backs.  An interesting listen with many surprises.

ABEL, Lucy - The Perfect Christmas present that involved the entire family!
True Christmas tale - English

Dada   A movement that came out of the 1st World War. Switzerland.   An   international very creative movement.  Dada is still very much alive today.

NEMETZ, Lucy  An exciting childhood day.  Just before the second World War. A joy ride in the skies above Vienna.   A great adventure. Short tale from life. English.

Volume 1 to be continued .-


Dada     A movement that came out of the 1st World War. Switzerland.   An   international very creative movement.  Dada is still very much a...