Monday 27 May 2024


Dada   A movement that came out of the 1st World War. Switzerland.   An   international very creative movement.  Dada is still very much alive today.

A Ghost that Dropped By!


A Shimmering Guest - A late night very true story.  Listen if you dare!

Lucy Abel

Lucy ABEL, - The Perfect international Christmas present that involved the entire family.  And, it's still going on!

True Christmas tale - English

Jenö and Marika

Doors -  A true Hungarian story about many new doors!  Jenö and Marika.  A house with 4 fronts and no backs.  An interesting listen with many surprises.

Paris Maderna

Paris Maderna - Short Story English - An amazing true story. Bikes are bikes. A very big crash and a wall.  A beer.  Moving on and never giving up

Willi Noelli

Willi Noelli -   Short Story English - A camera man on a mission to a war torn country. Going after a story.  A very famous man. Danger all the way.

Alexandra Lanz


Alexandra Lanz - Life is the sweetest of all.  A true story of lost years, suffering, and miracles. A very moving listen.

Little Emily Clark


Little Emily Clark - Short story in English - Little Emily's twin brother said the right thing at the right time.  He saved his sister's life! 

Michael and Judith Basch

Michael and Judith Basch - Short story in English - Michael and Judith went to Mongolia. They got a very big surprise.  The pendulum of time had swung back. 

Prester John


Prester John was a mystery.  A king from the east.   The Pope needed help.  A friend with an army.  Listen to this short story.  An answer to a mystery.  This short story  is in English.  Written and read by Nigel A.  JAMES

Peter Rosegger and Teresa Krammer


Peter Rosegger - Life growing up in the mountains of Austria.  Listen to this story.  Teresa Krammer used to come calling.  Selling her wares.  A story from a long time ago.  To listen on YouTube, please click on Peter Rosegger.  YouTube video includes full text.


Dada     A movement that came out of the 1st World War. Switzerland.   An   international very creative movement.  Dada is still very much a...